Stunning Photos of Trees and Forests
EOS Contracting works on some beautiful sites. While we do appreciate the value and beauty of trees and forests, we balance this with the needs of a growing population which require homes, schools, retail premises, infrastructure etc.
We do take a commercial approach and work with developers, utility providers and other companies to help them achieve their needs while minimising the impact on the local environment. You can find out more about how we work with developers and ensure that they are correctly managing trees in the build environment here.
We are proud to manage trees and forests across the UK and ensure that these are around for generations to come. You can discover how we support companies with forestry management here and tree management here.
Trees bring some great benefits to the environment.
- Display interesting seasonal changes in the UK
- Provide opportunities for wildlife in built-up areas
- Make places more comfortable for people by contributing to screening from roads and nosey neighbours to providing shade in the summer
- Reduce light and noise pollution
- Reduce the impact of the elements on people, homes, buildings and infrastructure, e.g. interception snow and rainfall, reducing wind speed and turbulence, reducing urban run-off
- Providing their natural beauty which can soften or complement housing estates, parks, etc.
We invite you to enjoy the below photos and celebrate the beauty that trees bring to the environment.